
Acknowledgment of Iran Lighting Design Conference & Exhibition
December 2013

Sponsorship Acknowledgment the temporary accommodation Design competition for people displaced by natural and manmade disasters

Membership Certification of Iranian Lighting Manufacturers Association (ILMA)

1st Award of 2nd Iran Lighting Design Conference & Exhibition
in 2014

Acknowledgment of 3rd Iran Lighting Design Conference & Exhibition

2nd Iran Lighting Design Conference & Exhibition
Silver Supporter of Conference

Acknowledgment of 3rd Iran Lighting Design Conference & Exhibition
January 2017

Acknowledgment of 2nd Iran Lighting Design Conference & Exhibition
November 2014

Certificate from SWAROVSKI Company

Participation Acknowledgment of 6th Tehran International Construction Fair

Participation Acknowledgment of 8th Tehran Confair

Acknowledgment of Judgment 3rd Iran Lighting Design Conference & Exhibition

2nd Iran Lighting Design Conference & Exhibition

Participation Acknowledgment of IESI

Participation Acknowledgment of Confair